Project - Insight Global's Expense Tool
Part of IG's enterprise software suite was an expense tool for folks out on the road to be able to submit expenses for re-payment.
My first big project with IG was to design the new expense tool. I took a mobile-first approach and used Sketch and InVision.
This initiative was to simply create an in-house expense tool for the company.
Timeline to implement was not possible so product was shelved for some time.
Workflows and rules for approvals became increasingly complex and no thorough requirements had been gathered
Due to competitive analysis conducted, I was able to design a tool that worked just as well as other tools on the market. Initial results from the usability testing I conducted on the paper prototype seemed to confirmed this.
Opportunities and Goals
Mobile-first approach with a responsive and adaptive design
Maximizing HTML 5 capabilities, including photo
Improve overall usefulness and usability of any tool we design, including ensuring that attached receipt photos to expense line items was very easy and quick while on mobile
Enhance the workflows and rules for approvals
Work to reduce duplicate expense submissions
Roles and Collaboration
Acted as Sr. IxD
Worked directly with CIO and other members of senior leadership within IT, including Dev Manager on overall design approach
Worked with Product team and various stakeholders to understand workflow and business rule complexities for approvals
Worked with off-shore team (India) as design lead and design QA
Basic heuristic evaluation of existing tool to find pain points so as to avoid them in the new tool
Competitive analysis of expense tools in the market to determine the features and functions we should design for in addition to the rough requirements we had at the time
Interviewed random employees for input relative to needed functionality and usability issues needing to be avoided
Task-based usability testing with paper prototype and cognitive walk-through
Ensured participants received $50 Amazon gift cards
Starting with mobile first, I created wireframes of all screens and variations thereof in Sketch. Here you can see a large landscape of the Submitter side of the tool.

Wireframes of the Submitter pieces of the expense tool.
Usability Testing Tasks
Task-based usability testing was conducted using printouts of the wireframes.

Examples of tasks used in usability testing.
I built out basic, click-through prototypes using Invision to share with stakeholders.