Project -'s Deal Explorer

This was among a few Innovation projects I designed for while working within ATC's Product Management group. Deal Explorer was among the first in the automotive space for moving the market closer towards purchasing vehicles, both new and used, 100% online and not just as a lead generation tool.


In addition to being a race to market, this product was to help consumers find and understand both purchase or leasing options for selected vehicles while being the beginnings of a fully online shopping experience for new vehicles.



Opportunities and Goals

Roles and Collaboration


Wireframes and Mock-ups

While this project was born on a whiteboard in a conference room with a co-worker on the Innovation team, here are some of the wireframes and very early visual designs for the tool.


Wireframes (pulled from prototype) and early visual designs for Deal Explorer.


I wrote this overview of the Deal Explorer earlier in the process. This was likely done in preparation for filing for patent and pull a general overview together.


Deal Explorer overview to describe parts and general functionality.


I built out a few different prototypes over the course of the project using Axure.